Stop Cyberbullying Day is an internationally recognized day of awareness and activities both on and offline. Each year – every third Friday in June, Stop Cyberbullying Day brings together individuals, thought leaders, corporations, schools, governments, institutions and organizations to celebrate and promote a truly inclusive and diverse online environment – free from personal threats, harassment and abuse.
We are asking everybody who cares about the future of the internet and the future of our global online community to join our growing movement for action against online bullying and abuse – while helping us to create a much safer, more inclusive online environment.
You can get involved with #STOPCYBERBULLYINGDAY in many ways depending on how much time you would like to give. Ways to help range from promoting the day on social media, right through to organizing fundraising events, publishing articles or becoming an official supporter by purchasing one of the support packages below.
Our ‘Official Gold Supporter’ package speaks for itself! By choosing this top-tier level of support, you will be demonstrating the greatest possible commitment to a kinder, more inclusive internet outside of becoming an official partner to the event. You will also benefit from the highest level of brand visibility available to any supporters through integration into the ‘Official Gold Supporters Hall of Fame’ with opportunities for your great work being shared with millions of social media users around the world.
See below for a list of benefits for this package and a link to make your purchase!
By choosing the ‘Official Silver Supporter’ package you will be demonstrating a real commitment to issues affecting people of all ages and across all social boundaries. As a mid-range supporter you will benefit from enhanced visibility (in comparison to bronze level support package) through the inclusion of your company logo within the ‘Official Silver Supporters’ archive along with other key benefits including a license for Official Stop Cyberbullying Day Supporter logo use across website, print and digital media.
See below for a list of benefits for this package and a link to make your purchase!
By selecting to become an ‘Official Bronze Supporter’ of Stop Cyberbullying Day you will immediately become an integral part of a global movement for a kinder, more inclusive internet – changing and saving lives alongside some of the biggest brands, organizations and celebrities around the world! In addition to a listing in our ‘Official Bronze Supporters’ archive, as a supporter of the event, you’ll receive everything you need to show the world that you stand for kindness, inclusion and meaningful conversation!
See below for a list of benefits for this package and a link to make your purchase!
Whether you decide to use the hashtag #STOPCYBERBULLYINGDAY on the day itself to raise awareness online or choose to become an ‘Official Stop Cyberbullying Day Partner’, your support makes a tremendous difference to millions of lives.
Working in partnership with The Cybersmile Foundation on Stop Cyberbullying Day, your activism will provide a long-lasting positive impact where you can demonstrate to your customers, staff, students and friends that you are committed to an inclusive, diverse and safe internet.
Thanks to the support of the public and some incredible corporate partners, we have been able to change and save lives, incorporate safety features into new technology and remind the world how it feels to be nice! However, we have only scratched the surface – with your involvement, we can facilitate even more positive change in the world.
Explore the suggestions below for more information about Cybersmile, Stop Cyberbullying Day and the various ways that you can get involved: