Trending Worldwide!
At 7pm GMT last night tens of thousands of people across the world joined together with us to get #stopcyberbullyingday trending on Twitter!
You can see from the screenshot that the day was a massive success and has left us absolutely buzzing for next year!
The trending was successful despite some confusion around the correct # with many people tweeting #stopcyberbullying, this was no problem for our army of beautiful #cybersmilers who, as you can see from the image, just ensured that they got both trending worldwide at the same time… incredible!
Thank you to everybody involved, some people we would like to thank are Eve the Digital Fairy, BozBoz Digital Design, House PR, our wonderful Ambassador Danielle Peazer, Harry Styles, Camryn Rocks, Kelly Osbourne, Lou Teasdale, Gemma Styles and most importantly our many thousands of loyal and beautiful #cybersmilers around the world! – Please don’t be offended if you weren’t on the list, we still love you!
This is NOT the end! This is just the begining! Next year is going to be even bigger, with more celebs, more events and most importantly.. more #cybersmilers!
Be sure to register for our newsletter to hear all the latest goss first, and the chance to meet celebs! Register here
Thank you all so much from everybody at Cybersmile, we love you and wouldn’t work without you! X
Keep #cybersmiling as we have big announcement coming soon….. X