Stop Cyberbullying Day is an annual event founded and co-ordinated by The Cybersmile Foundation. The event takes place each year on the 3rd Friday of June and encourages people to show their commitment to a diverse and inclusive internet.
The campaign brings together celebrities, influencers, brands, governments and internet users – all showing their support with messages of hope, inspiration and support using the #STOPCYBERBULLYINGDAY hashtag on social media.
Each year, a host of initiatives and events take place on Stop Cyberbullying Day around the world involving companies, schools, community groups and individuals who each participate in different ways. Some of these activities include fundraisers, giveback days, concerts, live streams and much more.
Supported by some of the world’s biggest brands, Stop Cyberbullying Day also involves key partners such as Twitter, ESL, WWE, Riot Games and many more, all contributing exclusive initiatives and online awareness activities including exclusive interviews, public service announcements, product launches, exciting giveaways and celebrity meet and greets.
Taking place both on and offline, Stop Cyberbullying Day also engages with health professionals and the educational community, all using the event to hold meaningful discussions, announce research findings and publish expert blogs and articles.
Key news publications get involved each year, releasing editorials and documentaries that highlight the power of the internet when used for positive purpose.
For Stop Cyberbullying Day 2018, Cybersmile recruited the support of more than 750 influencers, brands and organizations to pledge their public support for a kinder, brighter internet – creating a social reach of more than 100 million internet users. A campaign of this scale sent out a clear message to the world.
The Stop Cyberbullying Day campaign from its inception has been Cybersmile’s most important tentpole event of the year. The day has grown into a truly international event where individuals, celebrities, brands and governments from around the world participate side-by-side, proudly demonstrating their support.
The effects of Stop Cyberbullying Day can be felt year-round. What began as a one-day awareness event has grown to have a year-round presence and has become an integral part of the annual calendar for some of the world’s biggest brands and educational institutions. Stop Cyberbullying Day has facilitated cultural change, positively impacted business ethics at all levels and has highlighted the important conversations around technology, young people and digital citizenship.
Stop Cyberbullying Day isn’t just a cultural event, it is a call-to-action. In the true Cybersmile spirit, Stop Cyberbullying Day excludes nobody and is an annual opportunity to make the world a better place both on and offline.
Millions of internet users participate on Stop Cyberbullying Day sharing their messages of encouragement, advice and support. Below is just a small handful of comments shared through various Stop Cyberbullying Days over the past few years.
Join us for Stop Cyberbullying Day to make the internet a brighter place for everybody!
— Zoe Sugg (@ZoeSugg) June 15, 2018
Loves! Tweet using #STOPCYBERBULLYINGDAY with a positive message to win one of my signed t-shirts! You can enter more than once, good luck!
— Normani (@Normani) June 16, 2017
@CybersmileHQ show you want a diverse and inclusive internet without fear and abuse #stopcyberbullyingday
— Richard Armitage (@RCArmitage) June 16, 2017
The guys are supporting #STOPCYBERBULLYINGDAY with a #PositivePlaylist! Listen here & get involved.
— One Direction (@onedirection) June 20, 2014
On the day itself and throughout the year, Stop Cyberbullying Day receives coverage from a wide variety of media outlets ranging from magazines to print publications and industry blogs. Below are just a small selection of news outlets that have covered Stop Cyberbullying Day.
Stop Cyberbullying Day’s social impact can be felt around the world with the event regularly engaging upwards of 50 million internet users. Below are just a few statistical highlights from the 2018 Stop Cyberbullying Day campaign.
If you would like more information about the process of working on a campaign with Cybersmile, visit our Campaigns page or use the form below to contact us. You can also download our most recent brand deck to learn more about Cybersmile and the work we do. We are excited to hear from you!