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Be part of the solution

By fundraising for The Cybersmile Foundation you will enable us to continue providing education, help and crucial support completely free of charge to many thousands of people around the world each day.

Regardless of how big or small your fundraising event might be, or how much money is raised – you can rest assured that your incredible efforts will make a huge difference to people’s lives.

We want to thank you for considering Cybersmile for your fundraising efforts. Our life-changing work is completely dependent on fundraising activities and donations. We receive absolutely no government grants or funding.

You can read testimonials from people Cybersmile have helped here.

Getting started

You can support Cybersmile and raise donations for us in a number of ways such as starting an online fundraising campaign, organizing an event, running a marathon, setting up a game stream – you are limited only by your imagination!

Explore below some of the ways in which you can fundraise for Cybersmile and support our work educating as well as supporting people of all ages around the world.

You can download most variations of our logo here and don’t forget to share details of your amazing efforts on social media so that we can promote your great work!

If you have any questions about fundraising or would like to notify us of an upcoming initiative that you are organizing, please contact us using the form at the bottom of this page.

Setting up a fundraising page on JustGiving

A very quick and easy way to start fundraising for Cybersmile is to set up an online fundraising page. This will enable you to share your fundraising activities with your friends, family and the wider public.

JustGiving is a great platform for online fundraising and has tons of useful tips to make your fundraiser a success. JustGiving also allows people to make donations in multiple currencies so people can support your efforts and our work wherever they are in the world!

The best part of fundraising with JustGiving is that the money that you raise comes straight to Cybersmile – removing the need to organize bank transfers and payments.

You can set up a fundraising page linked to Cybersmile’s JustGiving page here.

Online Crowdfunding

If you prefer to utilize the power of the people, you can create a crowdfunding campaign to support Cybersmile’s work through the GoFundMe platform where the money you raise will go directly to Cybersmile once your crowdfunding campaign has finished.

Countries currently supported by GoFundMe (see the full list here) include the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, France, Germany, Switzerland, Spain and many more.

It is completely free to create an account on GoFundMe, and set up your crowdfunding page for Cybersmile which is an officially verified and registered nonprofit on the platform (you can easily select Cybersmile on your account dashboard after creating your account.)

When creating your GoFundMe page, you have the opportunity to share your call-to-action, explaining why you have set up the fundraiser, and how much you intend to raise with your fundraising target listed on the page. There is also an option to include an image of your choice and a video embed if applicable. You can also easily share your fundraiser on social media and in emails to friends, family and people at work.

One of the best things about fundraising on GoFundMe is that the money that you raise comes straight to Cybersmile – removing the need to organize bank transfers and payments!

You can start a crowdfunding campaign for Cybersmile on GoFundMe here.

Fundraising on social media

Not only can social media play a huge part in the success of your fundraiser by giving your friends and followers the chance to learn about and support your amazing efforts, but social media platforms are increasingly introducing ways to fundraise or donate directly to charities on the platform – without the need for external fundraising pages.

If you have a Facebook account, you can easily set up a fundraiser and choose for donations to go directly to Cybersmile in the dropdown menu when you select the organization you wish to support. Because Cybersmile is a registered and verified charity with Facebook, all money raised comes directly to us without the need for bank transfers and payments.

Additionally, if you have an account on other platforms including Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, Twitch or LinkedIn, you can ask your followers to head over to any fundraising page that you have created by sharing a link to it. You can also share a link to our donate section and ask your followers or community to make the donation directly to us.

Corporate, Employee and Payroll Giving

Another great way of supporting our work is to talk to your employer to see if they operate a payroll, corporate or employee giving program. This is where employees donate a small amount of their salary to Cybersmile each month. Sometimes, charities need to be added to the roster of beneficiaries so it is worth suggesting Cybersmile to be added to the list of charities for employees to choose from when deciding who they want to contribute to.

Be sure to learn about any incentives that your employer offers as some companies offer ‘matched giving’ or ‘match-funding’ where the employer matches the donation by the employee each month – meaning that your incredible generosity has literally twice as much impact!

You can also choose to donate to us directly each month by setting up a regular payment through your bank or PayPal. You can make a one-off donation or set up a regular donation with PayPal here.

If your company is interested in a more structured corporate partnership, you can learn more about our corporate program here.

Video Game Livestream fundraising

You can configure your video game live stream to support Cybersmile by selecting various donation options before you go live, depending on the platform you are using.

All you need to set up a game stream in support of Cybersmile’s work is an existing PayPal account linked to the streaming platform such as Mixer or Twitch. (See the instructions below to get started.)

For multi-platform streaming, you may need to manually include a link with a call-to-action. To simultaneously stream your content to YouTube, Twitch, Mixer and Facebook, you can use MobCrush.

If you are earning revenue through video pre-rolls, overlays, tips or sponsors you can also choose to donate proceeds to us directly as an individual donor. Please visit our donate section to make your payment through PayPal.

Fundraising on Mixer

If you wish to fundraise for Cybersmile on Mixer you will have several options to consider. Depending on the particular option chosen, you can collect payments and then transmit them to Cybersmile in the following ways:

  • You can setup a PayPal link and add it into your bio so people can donate directly and you can then transfer the funds through our PayPal here.
  • SteamJar, a free-to-use platform can be integrated into your stream, giving you drag-and-drop editing options with a chatbot, and the option to connect PayPal.
  • You can also explore StreamLabs, a free open source dashboard (available on Windows) which you can download and integrate donations in seconds to your stream with 5 different payment options and PayPal as a default.

Fundraising on Twitch

To add a donate button, you will need a PayPal account or other third party application where you can embed your link into the stream. For Twitch, we recommend PayPal where you can add a link to your PayPal.Me link, and accept donations directly from the stream.

Your viewers will be able to select which currency and an amount that they would like to donate, which you will then get an alert for. At the end of your stream you can transfer your PayPal total to Cybersmile.

You can transfer any funds raised to Cybersmile through PayPal here.

Twitch can also be integrated with Streamlabs.

Livestream Fundraising

Do you engage your followers online through live video? You can support us in several ways by integrating donations directly into your broadcasts or by creating a PayPal donation link and a call-to-action on your profile page. This can also be done in your video stream.

For YouTube, Facebook and Periscope streamers, you can use Streamlabs to integrate donations with PayPal and 5 other payment options.

You can transfer any funds raised to Cybersmile through PayPal here.


Organizing an event is a great way to bring together a community of likeminded people, whether this is people from work, university or school. Examples of events that you can organize include cake sales, community fairs, board game nights, non-uniform days, BBQs, dinner parties, theatre and play performances, afternoon teas or movie nights where you can ask people who participated to donate to Cybersmile.

You can also get involved in existing events and ask people to sponsor you by talking to friends or family and sharing details on social media. Examples can include running a 5 or 10k, or planned cycling events to raise funds for Cybersmile.

Once your event is finished you can transfer the money you raised to us through Paypal here.


You can set up an auction in support of Cybersmile where special items and limited edition clothing, memorabilia and experiences can be sold to raise money for Cybersmile. Examples of this type of fundraising can be at an auction house, private dinner, fundraising event or gala.

Auctions can also be organized online through platforms such as Ebay, where you can list items that you want to sell and allocate the money you raised to Cybersmile.

Once your event is finished you can transfer the money you raised to us through Paypal here.


If you want to support us directly and donate what you can simply visit our donate page and set up a one-off or recurring donation in support of our work.

You can make one-off or recurring donations to support Cybersmile’s work here.

Merchandise Proceeds

Maybe you have an existing online or real-life store where you sell items or a service and would like to donate a percentage of your sales to Cybersmile?

Whether you have a Shopify store or sell on Etsy, you can allocate a part of your gross sales (total sales figure for each item or all items) to Cybersmile. This can be for a specific day, or over a longer period of time from a month to a year.

At the end of the chosen period, once you have received your store payments, you can deduct your charitable donation and send it to us directly through PayPal here.


Whether you work at a local theatre, cinema, grocery store or are planning a school event – you can easily set up collections in support of Cybersmile and our work.

Once your event has finished, you can add up all the donations received and transfer the money to us through PayPal here.

Paying the money raised to Cybersmile

Once your fundraiser has finished, in some instances you will need to make a payment to Cybersmile in order for us to receive the money raised. The easiest way to do this is to donate through PayPal but you can also contact us for bank details in order to transfer the money electronically by using the form below.

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